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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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3.1. Discussion Board 4 Describing Your Infographic (920)

3.1. Discussion Board 4 Describing Your Infographic (920)

Q Attach your Infographic to the Discussion Board and write a narrative to explain your Infographic. Think of the post in this way: You are "teaching" your peer students in HCD 660 about the theory or theories you learned about in your executive summary.

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My infographic consists of the key conceptual points which I have learned in my Executive Summary for my chosen article on Career Resilience. I think that I have taken a simplistic approach in keeping my infographic with more of shadow images and background colors like blue and black. My infographic provides a glimpse about the antecedents of Career Resilience (CR). Some of the examples of antecedents highlighted in my Infographic are personality, openness, extraversion, etc. Risk-taking is important in CR because there is the necessity to act wisely and as quickly as possible in crisis situations.